Monday 8 April 2013

1.2 Check and Reflect

1. A.Interphase:

1.Gap 1 Growth: The cell grows until the synthesis stage.
2.Synthesis: The cell duplicates its DNA during this stage.
3.Gap 2 Growth: The cell continues to grow in preparation for Mitosis (Cell Division).


4.Prophase: Chromatins are condensed into Chomosomes and  mitotic spindle fibers form in this stage.
5.Metaphase: Chormosomes move up to the spindle fibers where they're connected to two poles at least their Centomeres.
6.Anaphase: Sister Chromatids are separated at the Centromere separated chromosomes move to the opposite ends of the cell.
7.Telophase: Nuclear membrane form around each set of daughter chromosomes. The Nucleolus reappear in both cells and the chromosomes unwind into chromatins
9.Cytokenisis: Cytoplasm seperates.

2. - In plant cells there are no Centrioles to control spindle fibers but instead a Centrosome.
- A Cell plate forms during mitosis in plant cells.

3. Apoptosis is when a cell destroys itself due to its irregularities and its failure to perform its tasks normally.

4. -Difference: Only plant cells make cell plates during Mitosis.
-Simularity: They both go through Prophase during Mitosis.

5. Cancer cells are cells that have irregularities in their DNA that causes them to skip most of Interphase and get into Mitosis in a short amount of time. This means that cancer cells will divide much quicker than the native cells and eventually out competing its original cell species.

7. Mitosis make repairs of organism cells possible since when cells divide it provides a new fresh cell to replace an worn out cell.

8. We expect this since cells would not over produce and die due to the lack of resources. Also we expect cells to be spending most of its time in Interphase since it requires a lot of resources for a cell to divide and produce a new healthy cell instead of an unhealthy cell.

10. - Cancer cells lack most of the Interphase section in the cell cycle.
- It undergoes Mitosis much faster.
- Cancer cells don't do anything and is smaller in size.

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